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Results 413 List (Active = 56 , Non Active = 357)
Starting date 12.12.2007 | Endding date 11.12.2034   |    File size 367.98 KB
The parties agree to collaborate. without limitation, in the following areas: (I) Development of collaborative research projects; (2) Organization of joint academic and scientific activities, such as courses, conferences, seminars, symposia or lectures; (3) Exchange of research and teaching personnel; and (4) Exchange of publications and other materials of common interests. Cooperative projects under this MOU may include any of the academic disciplines represented by any party to this MOU. The parties shall enter into definitive agreements in respect of the various areas of such co-operation and their scope.
Starting date 17.08.2021 | Endding date 16.08.2024   |    File size 626.91 KB
Starting date 31.05.2019 | Endding date 30.05.2024   |    File size 544.85 KB
Both parties agree to an academic exchange in various areas of education and research. The parties will make an effort to exchange professors, researchers, administrative and professional personel and students, and also exchange research materials and publications.
Starting date 10.08.2019 | Endding date 09.08.2024   |    File size 1.07 MB
The CONECUTS members will implement the following activities on the basis of reciprocity and mutual respect: Exchange of students (undergraduate and graduate students), Exchange academis and adminstrative staff, Exchange of academic information and materials, Joint lectures, researches and symposia, and other academic exchanges.
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